Looking for some feedback on some writing I did for my girlfriend. All comments welcomed.

I am at a loss of words for how much I love my girl friend. I discovered I really love writing this for her. I’d appreciate any kind of feedback as this is something I want to get good at for her and possibly a community of people one day. I barely passed any English classes I attended, so excuse any lack of knowledge of forming a sentence or paragraph. Lol.

Untitled story

I softly awaken to you probably being awake for hours. Lying there half uncovered just going through your morning routine. Checking the weather, Instagram, Wordle of the day, all of these things that for some reason makes me smile. Unknowing to you, it’s becoming one of my favorite things about my morning. Saturday, no plans on the calendar. Both of us wondering if we will have a day of adventure or equally as satisfying lounge around the house.