Report: The Aluminum Hills Incident [MFFF+] [20s] [Sci-Fi] [Tentacles]

#Incident Report — “Aluminum Valley Incident”

##Juno System Branch
##Division of Security
##Department of Colonial Integration

**Date:** 15–22 April 2201

**Location:** Cordin Mountains, Western Continent, Juno ɑ

**Security Clearance:** Level 3


Following the 2199 arrival of The Magellan Group’s Hopeful-class vessel Revealer at the Juno System, a large confederation of indigenous humanoid life forms on Juno ɑ began open hostilities with Magellan colonists. These aliens, named “goblins” for their resemblance to creatures from common high fantasy tropes, began a long-term guerilla war against Magellan, mostly fighting with primitive means: spears and bows and the like. By 2201, this conflict had been going on for two years, with much of the goblin population being reduced. However, the Western Continent’s mountainous terrain made it difficult for Magellan assets to make airstrikes with high precision. By April 2201, most of the Cordin Mountains had been declared a “green zone”, meaning that the region was considered mostly free of the goblin threat. On 14 April, the Division of Research and Development’s Department of Planetary Science sent a standard four-person ecological survey team to provide Magellan with a record of the ecosystem in the Cordin Mountains. The four ecologists (Dr. Erica Thomas (expedition leader), Dr. David Brightly (expedition lieutenant), Dr. Ana Chatti, and Chelsea Wo) arrived in the Cordins via orbital drop pod at 10:04 local time, the drop performed by RV Birmingham.

[PREVIEW] The Last Goblins – Chapter 1 [FFFF][18-25][FANTASY]

**2061 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of queer erotic literature. It contains dark themes including but not limited to fantastic monsters, rape, kidnapping, breeding, and some surreal themes. It does not contain any bestiality, piss or scat play, or sexualization of minors. Please read responsibly.


“Three… two… one… spin!” with a grunt, Joanna spun the wheel mounted on the cave wall. Actually, to call it a wheel was generous, given that it was made of pig bones— bones that don’t have a tendency to assume a perfectly round shape. Regardless, she and her two sisters watched the wheel slowly spin to a stop until it landed on the colour red.

“Double bone!” yelled Keira. “Everyone rolls four dice. Go!”

Joanna, Keira, and Mathilda each ran across the dirt floor of the long-deserted council meeting room. Mathilda knew in her heart that she could probably come up with an incantation to automate this, but maybe doing it the old fashioned way was more fun. They grabbed their crudely made dice, and ran back to the wheel to roll them on the floor.

“I rolled a twenty nine,” proclaimed Joanna happily.

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Part 1 [GAY][HORROR]

**2239 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.


Avi woke up to a splitting headache. His throat was dry, and he was covered in cold sweat. A nightmare.

Of course, Avi was prone to nightmares. It had been a problem for his entire life, and now, at the age of twenty, he was used to experiencing these symptoms after a typical night terror. But this time, something was off.

Avi’s eyelids drifted open, the salty sweat on his face stinging his eyes as his eyes focussed on his blurry surroundings. It was dark. Very dark.

It was at this point that Avi realized that he was not in his bed, curled up next to his lovely Ryan. In fact, he was standing up. He was completely naked, standing barefoot on a cold, hard stone floor with his back against a stone pillar. His hands were restrained, chained to the pillar behind him. He had to shake his head to get his thick head of dark hair out of his eyes.

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 13 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2121 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Avi was wheezing, clutching his ribs. The two of them had been running for over an hour, and he did not have the stamina to go much farther. “Shawn…” he gasped, “we’re… we’re almost there, right?”

Shawn sighed. “If we weren’t running, the orcs would have caught up to us. You’re lucky we got out of there alive.”

That wasn’t what Avi had asked, but he nodded begrudgingly, trying to keep pace with his rescuer.

After another moment, though, Shawn answered the question. “We’re nearly there. Just another few corners.”

Fighting through the pain, Avi willed his failing muscles forward just long enough for the doors of Feln Laboratories to come in sight. Avi never fully understood how people were able to navigate the Labyrinth so well, but he didn’t dwell on it much. Shawn punched in the new passcode, and as soon as he had safely closed the door behind them, Avi collapsed in exhaustion, the cool tile floor relieving his naked, sweat-covered body.

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 12 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2349 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.
Avi had spent two days at the orc fortress (indeed, as James had mentioned, the orcs preferred to refer to it as Castle Klarg). He hadn’t left his prison, “Holding Cell A,” the entire time. The orcs came by every so often to bring food— a horrible bluish-green sludge in a soup bowl— check on the prisoners, and indeed collect a handful of men at a time to bring to “the pits” for their transformation. The regular jingling of keys down the hall made every man in the cell tense up, secretly praying not to be chosen for just one more day.

One’s time spent in the holding cell was apparently highly variable. Some prisoners only stayed there for a matter of hours before the orcs brought them for their bath in Orcium, the toxic slime that transforms humans into monsters. Others could be waiting around for months. But everyone goes to the pits eventually. At least, that’s what Avi had been told by his cellmates.

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 11 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2060 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

As Avi, Lance, and James spent the next ten minutes taking stock of their situation, it became clearer and clearer how dire it truly was. The orcs and the incubi were on their way to the lab. Their first instinct to leave was thwarted when they realized that they were locked inside. None of them knew the code to the main door, and after almost a dozen guesses they reasoned that Feln had probably changed it.

A panicked Lance began to pace back and forth across the floor. “Okay. They must have left something behind. Something we can make use of. Right?”

The three of them ran an incredibly quick search of the lab. There were a handful of storage rooms, closets, and workshops— all of them unlocked— but they didn’t find anything they could take advantage of. Even the Stone fragment vault door’s code had been changed. The place was littered with half-finished prototypes and pieces of scrap. Either Feln took everything with him, or he didn’t have anything decent in the first place.

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 10 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2019 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Having dragged Shawn all the way back to the guest bedroom, Lance had been grilling Doctor Feln’s secretary for almost half an hour. James occasionally interjected with a point or two, but Avi was lost in thought about their current situation.

Whether or not they could trust Feln, he held all the cards: half of the Stone of
Love, for one, and Feln was also possibly the only person in the Labyrinth who knew how to repair the two fragments should they ever be reunited.

Unrelenting, Lance continued his interrogation. “So you’re saying you never ONCE asked Feln what was in the mysterious room labelled ‘Keep Out’? It’s not like it was locked or anything. You know how obtuse you sound, right?”

Shawn threw his hands up in the air. “I don’t know how many more times I can say it: I trust Feln implicitly. I don’t have any reason not to.”

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 9 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2114 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Doctor Feln strode back and forth in the small dining room. Shawn had left after breakfast, leaving only Avi, Lance, and James sitting together as the Doctor paced in silence.

“Well,” he declared finally, “you can’t stay here. I’m sorry.”

“What do you mean?” said Lance. “What happened to the big target on our backs?”

“I’m not able to keep the Stone here. I have obligations.”

Avi cocked his head. “What kind of obligations?”

“We can talk about that later. For now, we need to face reality. Soon, you’re going to have to go back out in the Labyrinth. But you’ll have a few advantages. For one, you’re the only humans out there in possession of an Emotion Stone. As you saw, its own inherent power even without the others.”

Avi nodded. “Right. But I can’t control it.”

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 8 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2446 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Avi found himself sitting at a large circular table with five equidistant seats. To his right was Lance, and after that was Doctor Feln, James, and Shawn, who had barely said a word the entire meal. Shawn was a young man, pretty-faced with a black mullet and blue eyes. He had been introduced to Avi and Lance as Feln’s “secretary,” though after being in their presence for a few minutes, Avi was starting to get the feeling that their relationship extended beyond the professional.

In front of Avi was a plate of pasta and meat sauce, with a salad and some bread on the side. Everyone at the table was wearing clothes. In a weird way, it almost felt like a normal meal.

“Everything I eat down here is grown or synthetically printed in-house,” said Feln. “I don’t scavenge out in the Labyrinth anymore. I leave that for the tribute.”

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 7 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2226 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Avi tried to control his breathing as the glowing gem floated before him. He was filled with anger, the sort of anger that faded one’s vision and destroyed one’s ability to focus on anything but their blind rage. He closed his eyes, and he felt Lance’s hand on his shoulder.

“Just breathe, Avi. Breathe.”

He felt calm start to rush over him as he took deep breaths, and by the time he had opened his eyes, the stone had stopped floating and faded back to its distinctive red colour.

James’ eyes were wide. “That was… awesome,” he said with a smile. “How the hell did you do that?”

“I have the same question,” said Avi flatly. “Lance, what is this necklace?”

“Why are you asking me?” demanded Lance.

“It was in Sebastian’s bag. It belonged to him. You must have seen it before.”

“I mean, yeah, I have.”