[MF] Wife Will Try Anything to Spice Up Her Dead Bedroom

Kay read throguh the directions again, feeling like an idiot. She took an inventory of the items in front of her and checked them against the list.

Red candle? Check. Weird black powder spread out on the counter into the pattern from the picture? Check. Silly looking white Chrystal? Check.

Kay glanced up into the bathroom mirror and sighed, taking in her reflection. She looked at her black nightie showing off her cleavage, her read hair done up in a messy bun, her green eyes burning with untapped passion.

This was dumb, she thought. Like, SO dumb. But she was desperate. It had been months since her husband touched her, let alone fucked her. She had been turning all of her sexual frustration into motivation at the gym, but wearing tight athletic gear around all those hot guys only exacerbated the issue. She eventually had confided her sex life issues with her friend from work, Skylar. That itself was a mistake. Skylar was a bit of an odd duck.

She nodded her head as Kay told her about her dead bedroom, and said she had the perfect thing. She swore that her friend had gone through the exact same thing, and that this…spell (was it a spell?!) had literally changed her life.

[MF] Manipulated by her Husband’s Best Friend (Part 2)

Mack nervously sipped her wine, her eyes darting from side to side surveying the room. She felt the cold air on her exposed skin, making her feel silly, making her feel like a whore.

Every so often, she caught one of the men glance her way, felt their gaze linger on her too long. She saw her husband Paul’s coworker, Alan, do it more than once. His wife was right there!

She shouldn’t have never worn this dress, she thought. Should never have done any of this. But once it started, it became too hard to stop.

She saw Jordan look at her then. He was in the middle of a conversation with Paul, but clearly wasn’t listening. Mack got tunnel vision. The rest of the party faded to blackness. The only thing she could focus on was his face. His gaze. He lightly licked his lips like a wolf eyeing its prey. He gulped his wine down, put his hand on Paul’s arm, and excused himself. He started walking right towards her. Mack froze. She couldn’t breath. Couldn’t move. Couldn’t think. He brushed right past her on his way past her and upstairs. He was gone.

[MF] Mrs. Wilson and the Soccer Coach

Mrs. Wilson rose to her feet, screaming with excitement as her daughter Bella dribbled the ball through the defense. It was her final year of high school, her final soccer game, on her 18th birthday no less, with less than a minute to go, and the team was tied.

She faked to the left and played the ball to the right, tripping up the final defender. Just her and the keeper. Bella went for a shot, pulled back at the last second, the keeper dove onto the ground, the goal was empty, defenseless.

With a confidence and precision that Mrs. Wilson never thought her capable of, Bella hit the ball into the back of the net. The crowd erupted. Mrs. Wilson’s chest burned with pride for her little girl. Quickly her gaze went to the coach, celebrating with the team on the sideline as the final whistle blew.

Coach D was a godsend. It was his first year as head coach, but you wouldn’t know it to watch him. Not only was he confident and commanding with the team, he was effective. All of the girls loved him (as did all of the team moms), and Bella, who had been resigned to being a benchwarmer every other season, blossomed under his guidance. She didn’t even seem like the same girl anymore. The awkward shy little girl had become a confident, athletic young woman.

[MF] Manipulated by Her Husband’s Best Friend

Mack checked herself in the mirror as she adjusted the short blue sundress. This was dumb, she thought to herself, as she tugged it into place. It was far more revealing than the situation called for…low cut, showing off her full, thick breasts. Too short by at least an inch and a half, exposing her bare thighs. Too tight on her stomach, making it hard to breath. If she bent over, the whole party would see the black thong she had wedged between her shapely ass.

But she supposed that was the point. Despite herself, a grin flashed across the face of the woman in the mirror, and a tingling sensation spread between her legs.

It was a familiar feeling by now. The mix of shame and arousal. The way she was both disgusted by herself and the situation, and the impossible to resist urge to take things further.

Right on cue, he texted her. The name “Jordan” flashed across the screen on her phone. She signed and opened it.

“I can’t wait to see you at the Paul’s birthday party today, slut.”

[FMF] Making a Risky Fantasy a Reality (Chapter 2)

Dave glanced back as Leah rested her head against his shoulder, her hands trailing down his bare chest, scraping his abs, slowly working their way to the waistline of his boxer briefs. His cock throbbed, pressed hard against the fabric, as his blindfolded wife waved her thick, full ass at him, moaning. His fingers traced along her soaking wet slit, trailing wetness.

It was a good thing she was moaning, because it meant she couldn’t hear the stranger in her bedroom. Leah reached down and grabbed Dave’s thick cock through his boxers, squeezing the shaft hard, as she whispered seductively in his ear.

“Slap her again.”

Dave obliged her, bringing his hand away from his wife’s cunt and slapping it down hard again on her ass. It made her yelp; he wasn’t usually this aggressive with her, and she wasn’t used to it. But she was too turned on at his newfound aggressiveness to complain. The wetness from Dave’s hand left a streak across her ass as he started to rub her clit again from behind. His red handprint was starting to show on her pale skin.

[FMF] Making a Risky Fantasy a Reality (Chapter 1)

Dave’s phone lit up with a notification. “Finally,” he muttered to himself as he checked it. It was from her. From Leah.

“I’m outside…”

“Good,” he responded. His cock, already hard from a day’s worth of edging, sprung to life with renewed vigor.

“Wait five minutes, then sneak in. The key is under the door mat. Follow the sounds, and don’t you dare make any of your own.”

This was risky, he knew that. But he also knew that he didn’t care. The payout would be worth it.

He had been messaging Leah, a married woman, on Reddit on and off for a few days, but it was only recently that the two of them realized the truth: against all odds, they lived mere miles from each other. Suddenly, the dirty fantasies they had conceived together could actually manifest themselves in reality. It was too tempting for either of them to resist.

This one in particular drove her wild…which meant it drove him wild.

[MF] Mrs. Wilson and the Soccer Coach

Mrs. Wilson rose to her feet, screaming with excitement as her daughter Bella dribbled the ball through the defense. It was her final year of high school, her final soccer game, on her 18th birthday no less, with less than a minute to go, and the team was tied.

She faked to the left and played the ball to the right, tripping up the final defender. Just her and the keeper. Bella went for a shot, pulled back at the last second, the keeper dove onto the ground, the goal was empty, defenseless.

With a confidence and precision that Mrs. Wilson never thought her capable of, Bella hit the ball into the back of the net. The crowd erupted. Mrs. Wilson’s chest burned with pride for her little girl. Quickly her gaze went to the coach, celebrating with the team on the sideline as the final whistle blew.

Coach D was a godsend. It was his first year as head coach, but you wouldn’t know it to watch him. Not only was he confident and commanding with the team, he was effective. All of the girls loved him (as did all of the team moms), and Bella, who had been resigned to being a benchwarmer every other season, blossomed under his guidance. She didn’t even seem like the same girl anymore. The awkward shy little girl had become a confident, athletic young woman.

Parent Teacher Conferences (Part 2)

Mrs. Wilson stared at the thick monster cock in her left hand, her wedding ring shining like a beacon of her infidelity that she chose to ignore. Even if she wanted to stop now, she wouldn’t have been able to. Something deep inside her, some primal force that had been caged up ever since her marriage, had finally been let loose. She wasn’t in control.

Mr. Davis smiled down at her sadistically as he grabbed the back of her head. Every day he had to endure Mrs. Wilson’s step-daughter Melissa and her friends dressing up like little teenage sluts to his class. Every day he had to try to not look at them as they flaunted their tight young bodies, showing off their cleavage, their asses, their bare midriffs, struggling to ignore their suggestive comments to him. Most years he could brush these things off. But not this year. Melissa was truly special, he knew that now. Mrs. Wilson had no idea that the whole “plagiarism” bit was her step-daughter’s idea in the first place…

“Open wide,” he told Mrs. Wilson.

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Parent Teacher Conferences (Part 1)

Mrs. Wilson parked the car in the nearly empty lot of her step-daughter’s high school and let out a deep exhale.

“I always need to clean up her messes,” she thought to herself with resignation as she checked her reflection in the rearview mirror. She touched up her makeup a bit, let out another sigh, and opened the door.

As she walked closer to the illuminated building, another parent she knew was walking out of the building. She gave her a nod and a fake smile as her high heels clicked against the pavement and walked through the open door. She checked the map and found the right room: Mr. Davis, English teacher.

It was the tail end of parent teacher conferences, and the hallway was mostly empty. With a brisk gait, she made her way to his room at the back of the school.

The email had come at a terrible time. She had just gotten chewed out by her boss for something that wasn’t even her fault, and then her phone went off with an email from Melissa’s English teacher.

“Hello Mrs. Wilson,