Letting a rapper and his entourage take turns with me in the night, hours before turning up for my 9-5 office job in the morning [FM]

Back in the day, I used to be a rapper’s regular booty call. Saying that now feels kind of surreal, because I hadn’t thought about this for ages until one of his songs randomly popped up on a playlist at the gym, which made me relive some good memories, and I figured SSC would enjoy this :)

This was years ago when I lived in the UK. A model friend of mine who was acquainted with him said he wanted us to be in a music video with him, apparently he had seen me on her Instagram and wanted to meet me. This was kind of shocking to me, he wasn’t super famous or anything, and I’d actually never even heard a song of his before we met, but I had heard of his name and I’d say quite a lot of young people in the UK would know his name. I had never done any type of professional modelling or shoot before so I was nervous, but I had my friend with me.