The first man to fuck my wife. Part One, MF

I hear her phone ring in the other room. One ring only, then she picks it up. Quiet conversation, sultry voice and a quick chuckle. Then she’s off, headed my way.
She comes out of our bedroom at full speed, “Baby!” She shouts. “Baby, he said he’ll come. He’ll be here in an hour.”
Her face was glowing, her eyes were so alive. Her fast breathing moved her breasts up and down. She smiled and bit her lip. “I can’t hardly believe it.” She quickly kissed me on the cheek and turned toward the shower, quickly slipping out of her clothes. I moved around the bedroom, I hear her music and the splashing in the shower close by. I peel off all the excess blakets and pillows, leaving only the dark green sheet. Time seems to be flying. “She’s been in there forever…” I think to myself, checking the time. It’s only been ten minutes. My heart is racing and I cannot stand still. We’ve been fantasizing about this for years and  planning for months and tonight its finally happening. “Our friend” we call him, a former coworker of hers. They flirted lightly and a powerful attraction grew in her for him. When she told me about him I agreed that this would be the first man I wanted to fuck my wife.

All work and No Play makes you a sad boy

I miss working with you. I miss making you laugh. I miss all the jokes and the fun times. I miss the way you smell. I miss the deep, husky sound of your voice. I miss sharing a smoke with you. It always felt so personal. You’d have a few drags before heading back inside, handing me the almost full one.

I can’t really tell you when I started wanting you. I remember the flirting and the side eyes. I was at work one morning when I saw you pull up. My heart started racing. I couldn’t figure it out. Then I saw you, walking down the hall. My stomach dropped. I felt it then. That raw need. Desire. I wanted you. I have wanted you for months now.

I want to know what those big hands feel like on my skin. I want to know what your mouth tastes like. I bet its smoky and sweet. I want to know what your chest feels like under my hands as I rub it. I wonder, what does your neck taste like if I were to kiss and nibble it?