[MF] Sometimes the airplane seating chart leads to a passionate night.

I couldn’t tell you much about who she was. I knew she’s was from Houston only because she told me on the plane as we descended into the town, and I knew she was engaged by her ring and the Home Screen on her iPhone.

I could tell you what she looked like though. And how the bright city lights filtered through my hotel window and traced each curve of her perfect frame.

I was at a point in my life where I was travelling solo a lot for work. Anyone in that life can tell you that it’s 99% really boring as you travel to random midwestern towns. Occasionally you end up being sat next to someone interesting on a plane and can pass sometime in conversation. Her and I ordered someone wine in pseudo celebration of our fortune and exchanged the highlights of our business travels. She lived in Chicago now, hadn’t been to Houston in years and didn’t have that many friends left in the city anyway. We landed and decided to share a cab when we realized our hotels were within a block or two of each other and made plans to meet up that night for a drink.