Sex with my husband

I love being in his arms. I feel safe there. Then he kissed me. Very gently, no rush, just playing with his tongue with my one. He took off my shawl and caressed my back. Just my back, he didn’t touch anything private. I love this. He always orchestrates our lovemaking very precisely. When he slowly unzipped my dress, I was ready. And nervous. What if… But there was no time for thinking. He pulled down my dress and I was standing in front of him. I was sure he touches my boobs at first and I was right. Slowly and gently squeezed them. Then he kissed them through the lace. My nipples immediately sharpened themself. 

For me, it is still a mystery after these years how he can undress when his hands all over me. When my bra landed at my feet, he was wearing just his trousers. He pulled me to his chest and I loved it when my boobs were squeezed to his hairy body. He is hairy. Not super hairy but he has hair where a real man has to be hairy.

My second time fucking in his car

To be honest, I was happy not to see Joe for a couple of days. I had no idea where he had disappeared. My pussy almost healed. I started to wear a skirt because for the next time… I wasn’t sure there would be next time, but every morning I dressed like this because probably today… So, long, warm winter skirt, warm tights and knickers, warm pullover, a vest, and no more bra. I thought it was cool not to wear a bra.

I think it was Friday and around lunchtime when it started to snow. Yes, it was Friday because my father worked during the night and my mother had a late shift in the hospital. She was a nurse, my father was a crane-man in a factory. He always worked the nights, because the money was better. Anyway, when I was on my way home from school, it had already snowed for hours, so the traffic was horrible on the high street. And then Joe came. I was so happy to see him not just because of the weather but you know, he didn’t forget me.

Losing my virginity

He was 29 and I was 17. Yes, I was that young.? We knew each other because he lived in the neighborhood. I didn’t really like him because he was probably too popular. I think you know that kind of guy who is known by everybody, everybody likes him but actually, you don’t have any idea what kind of person he is. So, that was Joe.

One day, I was on the way home from school and I had had a horrible day. I don’t quite remember why, but I know I was very sad. It was wintertime, it was cold, it was dark, I felt miserable. Then suddenly a car stopped next to me. It was Joe and he offered me a ride back home. I accepted it, got into his car and he dropped me home. The following days roughly the same place he just came from nowhere and picked me up and took me home. I found out he was quite nice, funny and we talked a lot. From my school back home there were two different roads. One was straight through the town. Usually, it took a long time because of the traffic. The other was a little bit longer by distance, but there was no traffic. That one left the town, drove across a hill with sinuous roads, and then turned out the other end of the town where I lived. During the wintertime, this road wasn’t really used because of snow or ice. Although it was risky, he often chose this way to drop me off, and sometimes he even went to some sideroads to the woods and stopped there to talk.