Clouds in the Sky Ch 1-5 Still a work in progress, Feedback welcomed

Chapter 1

“What a slow day.” I thought to myself while staring at the clouds. I had decided to take a “smoke” break outside, despite not smoking, a tip I had picked up from my former manager before taking his place after he left the company. I didn’t really need a break as my job was

mainly supervising and correcting the mistakes of my team. I had picked well during the hiring process, and they rarely needed my supervision and so I had a lot of free time to waste during the day.

On this particular Tuesday I sat in a park area built by the company as an area for staff to come and de-stress, though it had come to be known as the smokers hangout. Either way it was quite a lovely place to pass the time, especially when the flower bushes were in full bloom, although that hardly mattered given it was November. I preferred the cloudy days to the sunny days anyways, and the cold kept most of the staff inside, well mostly.

Clouds in the Sky Ch. 4

With my appetite temporarily sated I returned to work, as I had no intention of staying past 6pm. An employee named Kaite was throwing a party at her house, well her parents house, and typically her events were always a blast. The house was large and the areas well sectioned off, you could spend time in the pool, the jacuzzi, the billiards room, or anywhere else in the house and have a good time. I personally preferred the pool or jacuzzi area since there was no loud music and as a result it was easier to have a conversation. As a bonus Kaite was a very attractive women, and the fact that she was a self described staunch lesbian, only made her more alluring to me, although I’ve found her self-identified orientation, a bit more murky do to a past experience we shared.

Clouds in the Sky ch 1-3

Chapter 1

“What a slow day.” I thought to myself while staring at the clouds. I had decided to take a “smoke” break outside, despite not smoking,a tip I had picked up from my former manager before taking his place after he left the company. I didn’t really need a break as my job was

mainly supervising and correcting the mistakes of my team. I had picked well during the hiring process, and they rarely needed my supervision and so I had a lot of free time to waste during the day.

On this particular Tuesday I sat in a park area built by the company as an area for staff to come and de-stress, though it had come to be known as the smokers hangout. Either way it was quite a lovely place to pass the time, especially when the flower bushes were in full bloom, although that hardly mattered given it was November. I prefered the cloudy days to the sunny days anyways, and the cold kept most of the staff inside, well mostly.

Clouds in the Sky Ch.3

Chapter 3

The show was over which left me in an undesired state. I had long ago given up masturbating as it was never enough to satisfy, and as I was at work there was currently only one option, Amy. She was a HR assistant, but she and I had gotten to know each other over the 7 months we had worked together.

I picked up my phone and typed, “Come here.” That’s all that was needed. See, she and I had an understanding from the beginning. Amy, like most of the women in my personal life, was submissive, initially I believed that I sought these women out, however over time I realized women naturally submitted to me. I simply put forward my expectations and they would simply be obedient to my will. I called it passive domination, a term I believed I coined.

Clouds in the Sky

Chapter 1
“What a slow day.” I thought to myself while staring at the clouds. I had decided to take a “smoke” break outside, despite not smoking, a tip I had picked up from my former manager before taking his place after he left the company. I didn’t really need a break as my job was
mainly supervising and correcting the mistakes of my team. I had picked well during the hiring process, and they rarely needed my supervision and so I had a lot of free time to waste during the day.

On this particular Tuesday I sat in a park area built by the company as an area for staff to come and de-stress, though it had come to be known as the smokers hangout. Either way it was quite a lovely place to pass the time, especially when the flower bushes were in full bloom, although that hardly mattered given it was November. I preferred the cloudy days to the sunny days anyways, and the cold kept most of the staff inside, well mostly.