I fucked my uptight roommate [MF]

I live with two female roommates. I don’t know either of them that well but I just graduated uni and I needed somewhere cheap to live in the city. Rebecca is a nice girl but pretty plain looking, and then there is Nicole who is basically the complete opposite. She is fucking hot, tall and with an amazing olive skin tone but she is an uptight bitch. The type of girl who is way too anal about cleanliness, gets pissed at me for leaving the toilet seat up and can’t seem to take a joke. I don’t even really care how hot she is now because she’s a fucking nightmare to live with.

At the weekend both of the girls we’re supposed to be away, so was I, but knowing I would have some time to myself, I came back early on Sunday. I did what any guy on his own would do – I went to the lounge and put on some loud porn. It was a pretty hot day and I stripped off, it also feels good to jerk off completely naked, right? .So I was enjoying myself when I heard this complaining voice: “Do you wanna turn that down?”