My SO [M43] has been working for T [M35?] for a few months now. However they have been friends for years and worked together in the past as well.
Before I met T my SO told me that he is in love with me and always tormenting him about it. I guess he creeped my socials and told my SO how hot he thinks I am. It’s an ongoing joke that he will “look after me” while my SO is at work. It’s all just fun and teasing, they are good friends.
The first time I met T we were sitting around having drinks. Id be lying if I said I didn’t find him attractive. I’ve always had a weakeness for brown eyes like his. I would catch him stairing at me alot and I squirm everytime we make eye contact.
My SO brags up how horny I am all the time and that he can’t keep up. T looks me dead in the eyes and says “I can keep up with you darling”. A few other jokingly sexual suggestions were made during that encounter as well.