I have known Daisy since college, we were on the same course together, instantly becoming great friends after discovering having the same interests in gaming and movies. We had a great time hanging out together, although I had a crush on her nothing ever happened between us. Later on she met her BF Mark, after college she moved away to be closer to his family and they had a child together. Unfortunately for her it turned out Mark was a totally jerk, left her with a new born baby, and stuck in town away from her friends and family.
We managed to stay in touch and play online games when time permitted. During one of our gaming sessions I mentioned that it was getting to the end of the year, complaining I hadn’t taken any time off work that year as I never seem to find the time. She immediately replied that I should go visit her, I initially resisted because I didn’t want to burden her but she complained that with the holidays coming she had lots of work to do as well as DIY jobs around the house so if I babysat and do a few jobs it would really help her out. This was acceptable so booked a few weeks off work, packed a bag and drove up to her place.