After a particularly long night of heavy drinking with friends downtown, I started to stumble home. It was about 3 am. I was “straight”, but occasionally fantasized about gay sex and was aware of a small bathhouse down an alley. In my drunk and horny state, I decided to look it up again on my phone and eventually wandered in.
I arrived as a 22 yr old drunk attractive sweaty mess and the doorman gave me a room key and towel. I had no idea how this worked. Eventually, I found the room, stripped nude, hung the key around my neck, and walked to the public shower area.
The place was pretty dead, but there was an older man in there while I was washing up. He looked me up and down while I soaped myself all over. He was probably in his late 50s, bald, goatee, hairy, in pretty good shape, and hung like a horse. After walking around for a few minutes with a small towel around my waist, taking in the muffled sounds and pungent smells of raunchy gay sex, I ran into him again in the dark hallway near my room. Without saying much we wound up in there together.