[MF]x3 A strange sequence of events led to the best 24 hours of [M]y life.

This is the story about how I managed to have four sexual encounters with three women in one day. This takes place back in early 2007. It was a big year for me, a huge time of change, but this tale takes place a few months before all that. It’s a long one, so buckle up folks, it’s a helluva ride.

I had just turned 23 and had been dating this one woman (who we’ll call Scarlet due to her hair colour) for a couple years but we were on-off constantly and at this time we were ‘off’. Despite this we’d still sleep together and often she’d crash at mine (sharehouse with 4 others) if she were out on the town as I wouldn’t be using my bed and her place was a while out of town. As for appearance, she looked similar to Amanda Seyfreid but with dark hair and a killer hourglass figure, bordering on pear. Crass to say it this way I know, but Scarlet has booty for days. And 14 years later, she still does.