A Series.

Hi. A month ago, I wrote about a one-night stand that I had. This weekend, that became a two-night stand, and I decided to write again after seeing a Sexual Achievement discussion thread on /r/sex. I've collected both portions for your ease. Please, enjoy.

Part 1

I find myself now, on the fringes of exhaustion, beginning to type this at 1:28 AM. On a whim last Tuesday, I wrote a friend, seeing if he'd be interested in going to a show over the weekend, and having a friend and I crash. He quickly cancels all of his plans and we begin scheduling (we're both the methodical type.) We drive a couple of hours to his place and start to unwind. His boyfriend's sister comes home from work and asks if my friend and I want to smoke. Rarely shying from doobies and sensing the eventlesness the evening would hold as we waited for the following day and it's excitement, I obliged. Calmly exhaling, I recalled a message I'd sent the hosting friend, jokingly suggesting that I sleep in the bed of his boyfriend's attractive sister instead of my predestined pullout couch, to which he laughed. We both did; she was pretty far out of our league. I felt her weight shift in the bed three of us were sat in, almost knowingly. My less than sober mind shoved the subtlety aside in favor of YouTube comedy.