I want my sister (REAL)

I want my sister (REAL)

my situation: I want to fuck my sister


As kids we played around a little bit…nothing real just some light kissing and touching. But we were kids playing “house” and we were the parents. She may or may not even remember…

When I was 20 and she was 18 I used to hide in her closet when she was in the shower and sneak peaks of her when she got dressed. I either waited until she left the room so that I could sneak out or sometimes I let her know I was in there watching by popping out and pretending to scare her. It didn’t lead to anything.

One time late at night we were both online so I sent her a couple messages asking her what she was doing and that I was bored/couldn’t fall asleep. I eventually asked if I could come to her room and do something fun but she said she was going to sleep. Nothing ever happened but I felt like I was obvious about wanting her.