[FM] My Time as a Whore in Japan, Part 3: My Favorite Night

Hi again! Sorry it’s been so long since the last time I wrote – life’s been a bit busy for me. I really also appreciate the people here for their feedback and the conversations I’ve been having with people. It’s really a lot of fun and (for the most part) people are so supportive!

If you haven’t read the first part of the story, it might not make sense. So you can read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qt8xc/fm_my_time_as_a_whore_in_japan_pt_1/)!

On with the story!


The next “client” took a while to be arranged. After my second time, schoolwork got busy and I actually had to put whoring off to the side for a while. After experiencing something so exciting in a short amount of time, though, I couldn’t shake off my horniness – it also may have been thanks to the stress of schoolwork. This was around the time when I bought myself a vibrator (which took a surprising amount of effort in Japan) and spent a lot of nights myself masturbating while reading stories here and occasionally jumping into a text-only chatroom.

[FM] [Kink] My Time as a Whore in Japan, Pt. 2: The Panty-Lover

Hi again! First of all, thank you all for all the kind words and feedback on the first chapter of this (hopefully) long memoir. It was my first time writing any serious sexual lit since like.. over a decade ago so that’s been fun. If you haven’t read the first part, this won’t really make much sense, so you can check out the first part [here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8qt8xc/fm_my_time_as_a_whore_in_japan_pt_1/)

I’ve been so excited to write again, I was going to wait until the weekend but reading some of your comments and what my story’s done to you and stuff.. well, it made me want to write even sooner! I may even be sneaking off during work to type things up. Oops. Maybe I’m really not as good of a person as I say I am.

Just a heads-up, this one is a little… weird. It’s got a very panty-fetish loving guy and so if you aren’t into that, maybe skip this one!

Anyway! On with part 2!


[FM] My Time as a Whore in Japan, Pt. 1

Hey! I’m Kate, a long-time lurker and reader. I’ve recently been getting into writing some erotica and I’ve wanted to pen this little series down. It’s kind of an exercise in making my writing better and kind of just reliving a very bizzare, very hot, part of my life.

A little disclaimer – this part of my life happened a couple of years ago. I remember it fairly vividly, but obviously my memory isn’t perfect. I’m going to try to keep this as close to the truth as possible, but obviously there are parts that I’m sort of “filling in” to keep this a cohesive story and not just like “And then this happened, and then this happened.”

A couple years ago, I spent a year going to school in Japan. It’s something I had meant to do for a long time. I’m half Japanese, and I visited my Japanese side’s family in Japan pretty often growing up, so I feel a real closeness there. I went to a Japanese fortification school through high school, and I really wanted to, at some point in my life, live in Japan. I got to do that in my senior year of undergrad when I was approved by my school to essentially attend a university in Japan.