Concert time [mf]

My husband and I went to a concert 2 hours away. We prepped some joints, bought some edibles, and off we went. I drank half+ of my drink and we smoked on the way. It was the first time we were out on a date in a while after a stressful few months. The day was feeling good. We arrive and find parking near the venue. Time to consume more lemonade and off we go. It was a warm day and based on the amount of people milling about, obviously it would be a packed concert. We were a few minutes early so we wandered around the waterfront, smoked a joint, and people watched. 

It was less than an hour until showtime and time to head in. We found a lawn seat and spread the blanket. Time is killed, food bought, joints smoked, the show started all in some order. The edibles started kicking in around showtime and I continue to feel good. Funny thing about THC beverages and I….beyond the normal edible fuckedupness…my skin gets tingly and I get horny. At some point I let D know to which he got a mischievous grin. His original plan was for me to sit on his lap….but neither of us considered that everyone would be standing. Alas nobody wants to be the only sitters in a sea of drunken revelry.