A trulty incredible weekend away. MF

I flew out to a concert with friends and we rented out one area for us all for it last weekend. There were a lot of us and we were all acquaintances or friends of friends.

We went to the concert early and raged in the lot before we went to to actual show and on the way up to the show I met Melaine. Melanie was from a few hours drive away and was part of the group staying with us. She is about 5 foot 2 and very slim with a perky small body.

Melanie and I talked and danced around all through the show and then into the after party we to at our spot.

We were sitting around smoking a lot of pot and casually drinking while we chatted about the show. She was nearly in my lap on a small hotel couch. Eventually while I held the bong in my lap she leaned into my lap and hit the still cherry bowl. She looked up at me and started laughing and coughingl, spewing smoke out. She shly muttered something about how it looked like she had her head in my lap for some other reason, giggled and put her hand lightly on my chest. I put the big piecebof glass down and pulled her a little closer and suddenly we were kissing on the little couch.