[FF] – My best friend is deeply submissive, and to make sure she’s never taken advantage of, I’ve become her dominant.

I’d known she was submissive for years, though I never guessed itd also be in the bedroom. She’s the type to shy away from conflict, go completely silent if someone ever raised their voice. Always did what she was told the first time, never having to be told a second time.

She admitted her nature to me, the sexual part of it, one night when we were probably high. At this point we were roommates. I guess she expected me to be weirded out, because I can remember seeing a huge weight being lifted off her shoulders when I asked if she was staying safe with all this.

She told me all about shitty doms. People who took advantage of her just for themselves. People who saw her as lesser just because she was submissive. People who incorrectly assumed that being dominant made you above the submissive in every way. Basically, assholes and dumb shitheads.

She’d been with a lot of these guys in the past. Well, by a lot I mean 3 or 4, but that was 3 or 4 too many.