I have been servicing my boss (46M) [FM]

I work part time at a restaurant. Covid restrictions have really changed the job, and the amount of lockdowns we’ve been in and out of has not helped. Most recently we got sent into another lockdown, meaning takeout only for the restaurant. I picked up a couple shifts to help out and so I wouldn’t go stir crazy at home.

One night after closing up with the boss he offered me a drink. I accepted and we sat and chatted for a bit, the conversation eventually turning to sex. I know his wife, she seems like a cold bitch. He was complaining about the lack of sex in their marriage and it just hit me that I wanted to fuck him. I just told him I’d really needed more shifts to make ends meet, that I was desperate and would to anything to earn the hours.

I mean none of that is true, takeout is boring af and I live at home lol but I thought it would sound hot and it did work. I started to suck him right there at the bar. He groaned and moaned as I bobbed my head up and down. He was bigger than my bf and I told him so. He bent me over a table and fucked me raw, pulling my hair and smacking my ass as he told me what a slut I am. I told him I was his slut now and begged him to cum in me.

I handed him (28M) my underwear on our first date and it escalated [FM]

So a guy I vaguely knew from school asked me out after we matched on tinder a few years ago. My hometown is small and boring, so him going from talking to the stereotypical popular type of girls to talking to the tattooed slutty nerd excited him so much from the get go.

Our first date we go out for drinks, the conversation brushes on sex but also we’re just joking around and flirting. The increasingly intense eye contact was so hot though – next thing I know, I come back from the bathroom and tell him to hold his hand out and close his eyes. I put my warm, wet thong in his hand and quickly closed his grip around it – the bar was so busy and we were not in a private booth – and sat back opposite him so I could see his face when he realised what had just happened out of the blue.

My god, his eyes went black.