My first orgasm. [mf, age play]

I was still a virgin the first time you brought me to ecstasy with your fingers. I was a teen and you were twenty five- my sister's boyfriend. I had nursed a juvenile crush on you. Not just you, but all of your friends, as well. I couldn't help myself. You were all grown: all stubble and hairy chests, hard jaw lines, contagious, complete sexual tenacity.

But I didn't know what I was feeling, you know? I didn't fantasize about you or dream of an improbable romance with any of you guys. Verily, I was still a child. And the infatuation was an innocent one. I blushed when I saw you, I caught glances at the corded muscles casting veins across your forearm. I became intoxicated with a bubbling foam of giggles in your presence.

But I knew it was wrong. You were my sister's boyfriend! You were practically family. I saw you every day and sometimes slept over at your house on the weekends. It was benign and all but an afterthought, until the night I woke from dreaming to the sound of my own voice moaning and a cacophony of pleasure swarming at my core.

In the cemetery [mf, light bondage]

The burnt fir scent of the air froze on our lips. The moon hung itself ominously on a black backdrop as we trudged through the wet grass and cracking headstones in a derelict cemetery. You were solemn and serious as you lead me to a haunting hollow open tomb, all grey and ancient at the edge of the mass of burial plots.

You had told me to be silent so I didn't say a word but my heart was pounding as you lead me into chilled darkness. I wore an old fashioned lacey white nightgown with your jacket over my shoulders and white lace thigh high stockings with a pale pink garter. I was a sexy apparition, of course.

My rose blushing nipples showed through the thin bodice and the skirt was thin as a veil, but my skin felt hot with rushing blood as you pressed me abruptly against the rough cement wall and let your hand trace my lines in the dark.

I could see nothing, could smell only damp, could feel your breath warm like a furnace, your fingers tracing chilled bumps onto my skin.