[M]y first kiss, and games gone wild with my [F] co-worker

This is my first post on reddit, so go easy on me. this happened around 3 years ago. some of the events of the night have been changed as to protect my identity. fore warning, there is no seggs in this story.

setting; this took place in mormonville utah. I was 18 at the time, 6’3″ (give or take an inch) overweight, but did not seem it most of the time. employed at a popular sandwich chain in the area. I was raised as a good mormon boy, but long before this story occurred I had decided not to pursue that/any faith. I wanted to get out there and start living life but that was a momentous task to an introverted shy man like me.

sorry for the extensive background before the good stuff. two of my co-workers John (19) and Savanah, sav (20) were also trained as closers and pre closers. Sav tho typically worked the pre close, clocked out and hung around and sometimes helped out when it got overwhelmingly busy. sav was cute, but out of my reach as their seemed to always be an awkward age gap due to my lack of experience. she was a wild girl drinking and smoking pot with our manager who was simping to no avail. she would talk to me about all her slutty stories in her time as a cheerleader; streaking across town, kinks, and to my personal interest strip games. she was living the wild life I was to afraid to.