PREFACING this by saying unfortunately I cannot include a lot of the details that makes this story hilarious to me, for the sake of privacy. I will say that the participating party is an active player in one of the big four North American sports leagues (NFL, NBA, NHL, MBA). I know a lot of girls bag pro athletes regularly for clout, so this story isn’t meant to be impressive, just funny. I am pretty private about who I fuck and will not be giving that information out to anyone. This happened years ago and we never spoke after that night.
My junior year of college was like a Renaissance period of one-night stands for me. I lived for having sex with someone I’d never have to talk to again. Okay, so they might potentially end up in my next semester English class (lesson learned) but they also might be a 35 year old in a downtown highrise. I was exploring my craft.
My friend dragged me to her boyfriend’s frat one night, which I was pretty neutral toward. I could usually get away with minimal “party” time and maximal drinking free alcohol and smoking free weed while watching tv time. I also didn’t have a soul to impress, so I would throw on a t-shirt and legging and never bother with make-up.