Frustration with Women Leads to Self Discovery [MM]

A decade ago, I had my heart broken by a woman I loved dearly who felt I wasn’t going anywhere and decided to leave me for a former roommate. The next year featured a variety of recovery methods, from alcohol to counseling to good ol’ fashioned debauchery. Unfortunately, it also included misogyny and behavior I’m not proud of, as I was angry and frustrated. While I was able to work through it thanks to the help of some absolutely wonderful women, it’s something I do reflect on often.

During this time I went to see an old friend, one of those childhood sweethearts that you somehow always thought you’d end up with. This was not to be the case, partly because I was messed up, partly because she was, and we both realized it was a situation that would never work out. We agreed to be friends, but it reopened some wounds and left me despairing. I had traveled to see her, and on my return home, I vented through video games, movies, booze, and masterbation.