[MF] Stalls

“Hi, yes, my name is Katherine Bennett — I have a 4:15 to see Jess.”

“Of course, Ms. Bennett. Right this way. Jess is just wrapping with another client. May I offer you anything? Tea, juice, a sparkling water?”

“Oh, nothing for me, thanks. Could you please let Jess know I’m in a bit of a rush? I’m meeting my fiancee in Marylebone, and need to be on my way if I’m to make it on time.”

“Certainly Ms Bennett, thank you so much for your patience, I’m certain she’ll just be along.”

“Thank you.”

I hate to be the posh demanding bridezilla — especially as a result of my own poor planning — but if they’ll accommodate me out of my own mistakes, I might as well take advantage. I’m certain Pippa would understand, even though she’s not about today. Hopefully no one says anything to her; I’d hate her to think me a bitch. She’s a sweetheart, and it really is a lovely shop.

“Kate! It’s so good to see you again. Ready for the final-final-final?”

[MMF] Rooms

“Mornin’, love.”

He always calls me “love.” I wonder if he even remembers my name. I could never ask him. He’s so sweet, even for an old door man. And I wouldn’t dare embarrass a proper English gentleman that way. But I often wonder.

I flash a smile. “Good morning, George.”

“I’m afraid he’s not in just now, would you like to wait for him?”

“It’s his birthday, George, so I’m planning to surprise him. He thinks I’m stuck in Edinburgh until tomorrow, and intends to get pissed down the pub with his mates. Doesn’t know I’ve gotten match day tickets for them instead.”

“Well then you better head on up and wait for him, he’ll not want to miss a thing like that!”

“Thanks George. And please don’t mention it, yeah?”

“Have fun, Kate. And give Rory my best birthday wishes.”

He does know my name. And then, why shouldn’t he? I suppose his job is to remember names. To cater to the endless whims of the terribly spoilt, wealthy people he encounters every day, and to do so with a personal touch. Of course he remembers my name? I’m the fiancee of perhaps his most important resident.