[MF] I left my phone out at the beach and my life changed forever..

It was 4 days ago in a nice, warm afternoon. There was no one out besides of some fishermen and the occasional birds that flew above me. I watched the waves and felt a cool breeze fall on my face. I felt at home, looking at the little hills that collaspes around the lake and the orange sun, ready to go down for the night.

I closed my eyes, falling flat on my towel and set an alarm for about.. 20 minutes or so. My body began to relax and I imagined me swimming in the lake as what I did pre-quarentine. All of the people who did come here probably got the coronavirus and I felt as if I should just wait until September. The beach, now empty and cold, is beginning to feel like truly it is becoming to be fall. Leaves off of trees are forming colors and falling down, gently onto the grass below.