[FM] A Hot Hate Fuck and a Facial in the Parking Garage With My [F29] Boss [M60 ish]

**If you want to skip straight to the sexy times, scroll down to where it is indicated**

What an asshole. I put in my two weeks’ notice on Monday, and there I was on a Friday night at work slaving away on a motion to a case I wasn’t even going to have anything to do with in one more week.

To say Richard, my boss, was peeved that I was leaving was an understatement. I would have rather had him just walk me out when I handed him my notice, but given that he didn’t have a replacement lined up, I gave the standard professional courtesy of staying for two weeks until they found someone to replace me. He asked for three (and not in a nice way), but I said no.

Most attorneys I had seen leave the firm just fuck around for their last two weeks while they collect their paychecks, but not me. I immediately began catching up on cases and preparing excel sheets with detailed notes for my replacement. I had some fun plans with some friends for the evening that I was looking forward to, but ten minutes before 5 o’clock on Friday afternoon I get an email from Richard: