Last weekend my husband, his good friend Jamie(male) and I were having drinks outside around our fire pit. Jamie had recently got divorced and was moving out of state in a few days. After a couple drinks we started talking about strip clubs. Jamie was excited to move to a city that actually had some, and he was looking forward to having his first lap dance and female contact in a long time.
My hubby chimed in that we didn’t get him a going away gift and I could give him a free lap dance right now. Jamie was a bit embarrassed but certainly didn’t object. My husband gave me another nod of approval.
I was wearing white booty shorts and a fleece. I approached Jamie and he leaned back and took a swig from his beer. I started slow, going in backwards looking at my husband – brushing my ass against his knees and legs lightly. I wiggled my legs in between his and placed my hands on both his knees. I spread his legs at the knees and continued to move my ass back, finally sitting with all my weight on his crotch. My hands were still on his legs and I leaned forward as I gyrated on him.