[MF] [F] A not-quite threeso[m]e with my best [f]riend from college and her friend

The reception to my first story was so positive that I had to find time to write another. This story might not be as hot but it was a much more important encounter for me.

Emma and I met during the first month of our freshman year in college. We were in the same English class and randomly got paired up for a project early on. She was extremely smart in class, which I was really happy about since usually I’m the schmuck who gets stuck doing all the work in a group project. She’s 5’8, with glasses and dirty blonde hair. She always dressed fairly conservatively.

We exchanged numbers and met up the next night in the library. She was shy at first; she always is when meeting new people. A lot of times, she’d be accused of being uptight, but that was never it. We got almost everything done in under an hour. But we were having so much fun that we stayed at the table talking until 2:30 in the morning.

[MF] Sweaty sex after a workout with a girl [f]rom [m]y dorm

It took me a while to decide about which encounter to write about first, and then an even longer while to find the time to sit down and actually write it. This happened the fall semester of my freshman year in college when I was 18.

I was on the swim team in college, but early on, I sustained a rotator cuff injury and needed to take some time off from the pool. I needed to keep my cardio up, so I took to heading to the gym a few nights a week (9 o’clock or so) to use the treadmill. Morning workouts weren’t really my thing and I was much more of a night owl anyway.

The treadmills at the gym were all in one long line facing a mirrored wall. It was awkward to run while staring at yourself so I mostly just zoned out and listened to music on my iPod.