Sexting in Anticipation

I was sexting someone that I will be seeing in the near future, and she recommended that I share it. I was between Reddit and the Yahoo! comments section, and almost chose the latter until she digitally slapped some sense into me. Just wrote this up from the text I sent her two hours ago.


The entire trip there I know I’ll be restless. Taking the night train to a small town in Austria, from the Veneto province of Italy, I’ll be tired after a long week of work yet unable to sleep due to the thoughts racing through my mind in anticipation of the weekend shortly to come.

Closing my eyes and seeing you vividly, imagining our upcoming reunion, and getting that tingly feeling in my gut. A long embrace and a slow kiss later, grabbing your hand to lead you away. Finding the hotel where we’ll stay for the weekend, my hands stealing quick butt grabs and light passes around your inner thighs, hoping that they’re inconspicuous to others but knowing fully well they’re quite obvious. Trying to rush the check in process so I can get you alone, at last.