[FM] We went to a sex club on Valentine’s Day

Been lurking for a bit and I finally built up the courage to share this story here.

Last Valentine’s Day, my partner and I decided to celebrate at a sex club. We were both a bit nervous about how it would go, but being together and communicating often helped calm the nerves.

Also weed.

As we walked into the club, I felt super self-conscious because I’d never dressed so scantily in public before. He was definitely more excited to be there than I was. There were so many young, beautiful couples who also thought this would be an awesome way to spend Valentine’s.

When we walked through the dance area, bar, and bedrooms, I whispered to my partner how insecure I was feeling. He turned to me looking dumbfounded. “What are you talking about? Guys have been looking you up and down since we got here.” He was right. Men were eye-fucking me. Women were eye-fucking me. In my lacy, black plunge bodysuit and stilettos, I walked taller and began to make eye contact. I could see in their eyes how, in that split-second, they imagined what they would do to me and what kinds of things I could do to them. I’d never felt so sexy in my life.