[nc] 18 year old girls abduction and rape fantasy

We lived in a nice middle class neighborhood so when the doorbell rang that afternoon i figured it was the occasional person offering to do yard work, selling pine straw, kid doing a fund raiser for school. But as i looked out the window there was a white van parked outside and man at the door holding a clip board, probably mid 30's, not bad looking. I thought maybe it was a delivery for my parents someone needed to sign for, or maybe the cable guy.

I opened the door and the man smiled and said hello. The next thing i knew i was on the floor shaking, unable to control my body, the man had stepped inside and closed the door and locked it. He smiled, and lifted the clipboard and held out a device with wires hanging out of it. He quickly sat me up and tied my hands and feet with zip ties then he warned me to be quiet. A few moments later i heard the garage door open. The man then came back into the house, wrapped some tape around my mouth, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started carrying me towards the garage.