Sharon Andrews was one of the hosts of a popular cooking show called ‘Baking Buns’. It followed all the standards of a normal cooking show—showing people how to cook delicious meals… but the hook of the show was the sexuality of it all. She, along with the other hosts, were practically naked, wearing nothing but aprons that exposed their bare behinds to their adoring fans every time the hosts turned around. They were vaguely shaped like clothes, in fact, Sharon was searching for someone to help tie her apron shut. She swore that the producers of the show were slowly shrinking her apron in order to appeal to viewers. The thing had started off as a mostly functional, but now the top looked like little more than a bikini top that was draped across her breasts. At least the bottom half was still functional, even it if felt eerily similar to a short skirt. She was a beautiful woman in her early forties with dark brown hair that flowed down her shoulders like a caramel cascade. She still had a nice figure and she was grateful that time had yet to take its toll. Her breasts, while not as big as some would like, were still perky handfuls that drew in a large amount of male viewers.