[MF] The Violinist

Okay, I had a request for the violinist. So in the interest of full disclosure, this was before she became ‘famous’ (whatever that really means), and she is really only famous in some circles I think. Not like Yo Yo Ma. I am not a musician, but I’m told that she is reasonably well known and successful, has won some major competitions, etc. And before you go looking, she does not really play violin. I changed this and some other details to protect anonymity.

This started when I was a grad student at a university known for its parties and in a town known for its, erhm, view. It was in May, so the heat was just starting to ramp up. I first saw her at the graduation ceremony, as thousands of people were stuck in a sweaty poorly ventilated field house. We will call her Maria. Maria was maybe 5’5”, so not super short, short/pixie cut hair, glasses, and a prominent nose. That’s all I got to see at first because she was in a graduation robe and I just remember thinking, oh, that’s a pretty girl. I was working on my grad degree at the time and was hired to help with PA setup and teardown.

That time I had sex with four roommates and none of them knew or cared [MF]

Another fun story from my sexual past. I was a counselor at a summer camp in my mid-twenties, and if you’ve ever worked at a summer camp, you know how much of a fuck-fest those can be.

Anyway, we were all staying in a bunch of cabins in the veeeeery far back of the camp. Why weren’t counselors in the cabins? Well, we were relief counselors, which meant the bulk of our duties were running day activities, and we would step in for cabin counselors during their nights off, etc. I was bunking with 3 other guys, and the cabin next to us was 4 girls.

So this was a mixed-activities camp, so we had a wide variety of disciplines accounted for. I was a swimmer doing swim instruction and also taught the cross-country running stuff. I was at sort of the height of my fitness level, not a huge guy by any stretch—5’10”, but I was lean, like 150 lbs tops. It felt good. Onthe first day we were at orientation and I looked around and scoped out the landscape and the female counselors were ALL bloody attractive.

The Ginger and the Rose [MF]

I’ve been blessed with a number of amazing hookups during my wilder days. This is the story of one of my top three hookups, if not the top one, with a ginger named Abigail. This is a true story with the exception of names, professions, locations, and some other small identifying details. This was recently out of my masters degree, on my first real gig, doing graphic design for a firm in Seattle. I lived downtown, walked to work, it was the season of perfect weather… heaven.

Here is the part where I describe Abigail because this is important boner material. I am 5’9”, so not tall by any particular standard, and she was relatively fit, only a couple of inches shorter than me, redhead, healthy (not twiggy but not big… we will say ‘ratio’d’). No doubt the first thing anybody would notice about Abby is her AMAZING rack. Like a room-stopping rack. Not massive, but just a goddamn picture-perfect C cup. She had blue eyes, long curly red hair, nice round ass… like I said: ratio. She also had her tongue pierced, which is a sign from heaven if I’ve ever seen one. I know you readers are skeptical of any redditor’s ability to attract good-looking people, but these were the fittest days of my life, running marathons, lifting weights.. I was fit, my stock was rising, I was the new kid in town, and there’s just something about being in your mid-20’s where everybody wants to have sex all the time. I also think I was just really really lucky.