Lunar Shadow [Alien] [M/F] [Rape/Rough Sex]

A lot a random space stuff flies into the earth’s atmosphere and burns up. So much in fact, that those organizations with the equipment capable of detecting that matter don’t generally feel alarmed when it happens.

I imagine that these beings that brought humanity to heel were detectable by some means before their descension upon our unsuspecting race. Likely ignored just like everything else, why wouldn’t they be? Until they didn’t burn up, until they impacted the ground like rods of brimstone, leveling miles of ground around their impact sites. Those who died in this way, were lucky, quick… first. They didn’t have to see what came after.

Drones and aircraft were sent over these areas of course, they didn’t last long. The feeds would go dead without catching so much as a glimpse of anything strange. Other than the sundered earth. It took almost a day I think, for *them* to reach any inhabited places, they don’t move particularly fast. I think it’s because they don’t feel rushed, this was an attack at their leisure.

Live Free [MF] [Lite Femdom]

Saron’s getting on my nerves again, spouting off about his own *cruel* misfortune. “This is garbage, they only send me away like this because because I make’em nervous.” I’ve been listening to him drone on for some days, a captive audience to his belly-aching. “You would think that the guys trained to track, would do the tracking, not me. I’m trained for long marches yeah, but I’m no expert at findin’ the assholes they love sendin’ me to find.”

“We’re still hot on his trail, it’s not like you need to be an expert to follow someone who camps next to a fire each night.” Our quarry hasn’t been keeping his camping sites too well hidden, he might not even be aware that there’s someone who wants him dead. “The only real crime about sending us all the way out here, is that we aren’t getting paid more than our standard wage for it.”

Saron raises a brow at that “Are you fer’real? I didn’t even know that, thought we’d claim some bounty when we brought ‘is head back!” It seems I’ve given him more to whinge about, lovely.

To Deal with an Old One [Alien] [MF] [WIP]

There’s a pressure holding my chin. “That’s unusual.” a deep and somehow accentless voice remarks. I open my eyes in surprise, only to find a dark haired woman staring back at me. I let out a small gasp and lift my head out of her grasp.

Stupidly, all I can manage is “What?”.

The same voice comes from the mysterious woman’s mouth, not that there’s anything womanly about it “You made the mark but you had no reason to do so.” I can barely muster the focus to clearly hear what she said as I begin to stand. I don’t know what she could mean by ‘mark’, I have made no mark anywhere that I can immediately recall. My mind is drawn away from what she said however, as I notice the room that I’m in has no discernable end in any direction. Instinctually I try to assign a color to the floor, but my mind recoils from the attempt, I can’t come up with a name for the color of the floor. My most immediate go-to is white, but it’s almost certainly not white, though I can’t say definitively that it isn’t white.