My first pickup at a bar [MF]

I walked to a bar near home on a Sunday night, not expecting anything except getting drunk and stumbling home.

By drink number 5 I felt like a cigarette. I got one out and realised I didn’t have a lighter. I looked around and a bunch of rowdy middle aged guys having beers and smoking caught my eye. I went over and asked for a light.

There was an empty seat at their coffee table that I sat myself on uninvited. All of us being pretty buzzed, they didn’t object and we got taking.

Enter their younger, hot female friend and colleague from the restroom. A warm wide smile, petite, long black hair, big but perky tits outlined by her tight tee shirt, slim waist and broad hips, and skinny jeans to match.

They introduced us, she said hi and sat herself right next to me on a massive couch with plenty of room. Our sides and legs were touching. I said good to meet you and we locked eyes for a second before she replied. I knew immediately there was chemistry between us.