a dinner with her sisters….[M]

So last night I went to my girls Sister’s house for dinner and drinks. There was myself, my girl and her two sisters.

As the night went on and we got a little fucked up, the girls ganged up on me and told me that my girl and I should have a kid.

“We wanna be Aunties again”. (They both have kids and we don’t). “And you know from our family history one of the benefits”….

My girl has very small boobs and so did her sisters….until they had their kids!! Now they both have DD’s….

The girls all started joking with me about it and started getting raunchy, then without warning they started comparing tits. They got them fully out. It was as if I wasn’t there….

“I’m so jealous, your nipples are waaay smaller than mine”….

“Yeah but you have the size”…..

It was sooooo fucking hot….

Call Centre [M]adness….

So this one is a bit of a throwback….I would have been around 25 at the time.

I was working in a Call Centre. My job was a very tough one in the company, we used to pay out health insurance coverage for illness etc….I would be the person to give the good or bad news, whether or not your hospital bills would be covered. It was very thankless work and more often than not you’d leave work stressed out.

One day I received a call from Mary. She was crying uncontrollably and I couldn’t understand what she was saying. I had eventually calmed her down and asked her to explain the situation. It turned out that her husband had passed away from a heart attack and she was trying to get her affairs in order. I felt so bad.

She explained to me that she had nobody else and that she really needed a hand with all of the arrangements and sorting her payout. Thankfully her husband had good insurance and, long story short, everything was covered. It didn’t make it easier, but it certainly helped.

[M]ission accomplished! (London Sex Club) (Plane Girl Update)

Well guys, mission accomplished!

Just incase you haven’t been following….

• Met a girl on a flight back to London from Italy.

• I started chatting to her because she was nervous. Ended up getting felt up.

• She ended up moving to London last week.

• She asked me to meet her on Tuesday to show her around London.

(All of the build up to this story is on my page)


Tuesday was pretty spectacular. The sun was out and I was off from work which is always a bonus. I had agreed to meet Helena at Embankment tube station in London at 1pm, so I had a little bit of time to hang around before she got in. I decided to get a coffee. I was really nervous to be fair. The last physical contact I had with this girl was when she had her hand on my cock on a Ryanair flight weeks ago….

Elizabeth 2012 – I’m not Gay…but….[M]

This is a bit of a throwback to one of my first ever jobs when I left school. Where I’m from, there are always these door to door sales jobs available if you are desperate for some money. These companies are generally dogshit. They get contracts for bigger clients and then idiots like us used to be shipped off to housing estates for the day to knock on doors and sell the products. We did not have a flat rate and we were only paid a percentage of what we sold, which was never much…

One day myself and another guy were sent on the same route. We were told to knock on a hundred doors in the suburbs. He was just starting in the job and I was told to take him around to show him the ropes etc….it was quite common in our place of work to help out the new hires. So there we were, two twenty something year old guys, suited, booted and ready to sell!

An update from the girl on the Plane…..[M]

Thank you all so much for the response on my story from last week, about the girl that I met on the plane (story on my page). Clearly you all very turned on by what happened, even if it was a bit PG. I just thought that I should update you all on what’s happened this morning….

As you all know, I gave her my number after the flight and we parted ways. I always think it’s best for the guy to put the ball in the ladie’s court these days…I gave her my number and didn’t ask for hers out of respect more than anything. That way it’s up to her to decide if she was comfortable to initiate anything or not. I honestly didn’t think that I would hear anything back….but I did!

I got a text in broken English at around 11am today…

“I got the job! I am heading back to Italy on Monday to organise my affairs and I’ll be moving to Highgate on the 10th of April! I would love to invite you to Dinner to say thank you for your support on the plane? I don’t know anyone in London yet and it would be great to see a familiar face. I am not looking forward to flying on Monday without my seat buddy, but can’t wait to get back! Helena x

[M] An interesting flight….

Yesterday I flew from Milan back to London. I was in Milan for a couple of days with work. I flew Ryanair which ain’t too shabby, especially considering there wasn’t many people on my flight. I always book seat 33F (window seat on the right hand side atbthe very back of the plane) because I feel most comfortable there. I like flying, have racked up a tonne of miles…

Last night was very ordinary. I went through security, boarded the plane and took my seat. I always stick in my headphones and zone out as soon as I get there, but I was interrupted…

A very petite Asian girl, must have been around my own age, tried to get my attention. She was wearing a tight little crop top with bicycle shorts….a little firecracker.

“Excuse me? I am sitting here but do you mind if I take the window seat? I am a very nervous flyer and it would really help”…I instantly shot up and told her that it wasn’t a problem. “Thank you so much”.

“I’ve had the time of my liiife….” [M]

So this is a pretty tame one as it goes….It still has a spot in my wank bank years later though….

My girlfriend has two sisters. One of them is a bit of a Milf…she has a tight little body and amazing E cup tits. I always find myself staring at her chest and I’m positive that she has caught me a couple of times. I have been told that she lives attention. She has a cheeky smile and you can tell that she’s filthy in the sack.

One night we were all invited to a 40th Birthday party for one of the neighbours and she tagged along. She was hot as fuck. She was wearing a coral playsuit with a plunging neckline. Make up was perfect and her milkers were nearly falling out of her top….Spunk material.

As the night went on we were all dancing, drinking and “Time of my Life” from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack was played by the DJ…a classic. It got to the final chorus and the moment when Patrick Swayze does “The Lift”….

Coffee, a Beer and a Bathtub [M]

I want to start by saying thanks to all of you wonderful people. A lot of people have been so responsive and interested in my previous experiences. I said I’d take it back a few years to a younger me for this one….

I used to work in a fairly large bar in the city centre. When I was working there, we had a great initiative, called “One For Later”. Basically when working the day shift, if a customer ordered a coffee and said “One For Later”, you would give them their coffee and charge for two. We would then put a red sticker on our chalkboard and if a homeless/down on their luck person called in, they would be able to avail of the free coffee. It was a well known situation amongst all of the regulars and really nice….

As the months went by I got to know Karolina….

The Funeral in Sweden. (Incest) [M]

have posted a few stories on here and this is by far the one that gives me the most shame…

So I’m half Swedish and when I was a kid my family and I would visit once every couple of years. We would go to stay at my Grandparent’s place, see all the family, the usual stuff.

Every time we used to go over I would always end up hanging out with my first cousin Marie (Dad’s niece). She is a couple of years older than me (when I was 10, she would have been 12). We would be inseparable. I don’t speak Swedish at all and she was learning English which helped. We would do everything together. Watch Movies, play soccer, go fishing….We always got on quite well. We were into the same stuff.

Once I turned 16 I stopped going on holiday with my parents and thus ended my trips to Sweden. I fell out of contact with everyone over there, which was a shame. Life happened I guess.

A few years ago, we got the sad news that my Grandmother had passed away. We had to travel over to pay our respects. My Dad was organising everything funeral wise. It was my first time back in 10 years.

I [M] feel horrible…but so alive for the first time in ages!!!

So if anybody hadn’t seen any of my previous posts on here, you may want to read those first, but long story short…

I am a guy who has been with his girl for a loooong time, we just moved address and I randomly found a girl offering dogging online and went to meet her. It’s my first time ever cheating and it was an amazing rush. I can’t explain what came over me but I fell head first into the situation.

I swore that it was a one time thing but she got back in touch…”You, me, London? Let’s have some more fun, my treat”…I booked a train ticket.

I woke up yesterday feeling guilty but also exhilarated. I was catching the 3pm train to London and it couldn’t come fast enough. My girlfriend was under the impression that I was staying over in London because of a Security job (I do security).

I packed a bag, got my good aftershave, a nice shirt and some other essentials. I made sure to shave my cock and balls to make it nice, just incase. I walked to the train station and got on board for a night that I’ll never forget.