Fantasizing about him; please can you just fuck me and I’ll do anything? [MF]

You know what I have come to realize? I need an outlet for this, and this shall be it.

I am a woman in my 20s, have a mate, and I would never want to actually cheat, but boy do I have an imagination — and I’ll take you on that ride with me now, as I really need an outlet.

I have a friend. He is handsome, very tall, with thick long blonde hair, rather slim but athletic. And we have never done anything and he doesn’t know, but when we’re hanging out in a group or I’m on my lunch break, I fantasize about him. I can’t even count the times I’ve come because of him.

We’re seeing each other casually, just like any other day. But there is tension, a slight touch on my waist. There’s a question in the air, just hanging and waiting, what may happen, what we might regret, but what we might gain. This is killing me, I am so confused by this, is it just casual or is there more? I have to know.