The ABCs of Erotica – G is for Godly Gays [MM – Anal – Con – Mythology]

G is for Godly Gays

Flipping an arrow shaft between my fingers, I release a heavy sigh. Glancing to the twinkling starry sky, I lift from the sidewalk, catching the air with white feathery wings. The flat roof of a tall building is where I land, my eyes surveying the vast city below.
Spreading love and desire would be much more…well…desirable if I wasn’t stuck here on due to a lost bet. I suppose I should have known Apollo would set me up at some point for the spite against Daphne and him…

…though I figured we were past that. It feels like eons since then, long forgotten from his memory is what I assumed. I judged poorly and he tricked me…sooner or later, everything comes to bite you in the ass.

One year.

That’s it.

One year passes in the blink of an eye, hardly batting eyelashes at how ridiculous time means…and yet…this year has felt like an eternity. Valentine’s Day is approaching and soon, the year ending where it had begun. Tomorrow, I can rejoin friends and family soon enough.