My first time [m/m]

This is the true story of my first guy sex experience, an anonymous encounter at an adult bookstore. I'm NOT gay, btw…. :)

I attended a large midwestern university in the 80s. In town there was an adult bookstore which I and the guys in my fraternity would go to occasionally. We'd pile into a couple of cars and a dozen or so of us would go there for a laugh. They had probably 12 or 15 booths there, kind of arranged in a circle around a central area. They weren't that big but 4 or 5 of us would stuff ourselves into a booth and have a good laugh watching the videos.

I would also go by myself sometimes. I'd usually go during the day since the place was always deserted and it was less likely I'd see somebody I knew. These trips were not for a laugh, but so I could jerk off in the booths. I went as often as I could because I really got off on it. The booths sometimes smelled like come and I liked thinking about other guys jerking off in the booths before I got there. In fact, I'd seek out the booths in which I could either see or smell fresh come on the floor or wall. The booths all had paper towel dispensers and small waste cans in them, but usually the customers wouldn't clean up their come. If it was on the wall or the screen, I'd run my finger through the goo and touch it to my lips. A couple of times it was still warm and I knew it was fresh, and I'd lick some off.