This happened a few years ago. I was delivering weed to a female friend at her apartment. We were just friends from having classes together, and we never did anything sexual before or after this day. She is short, a lot shorter than I am. She had medium-length black hair, dark eyes, copper skin tone, and a loud squeaky voice.
I showed up to their apartment in the evening and my friend texted me to go inside. The moment I walked in it was like being hit by a wall of humid hot air. Their A/C was broken and it must have been 80 degrees F inside. They had the windows open and a fan blowing but it was not enough.
My friend met me at the front door and gestured for me to come inside and hang out. I followed her to the living room, where I saw her roommate sitting on the couch completely topless. She immediately started yelling at my friend saying she thought I was just dropping it off and how could she let me inside like this. My friend busted out laughing, she thought it was hilarious. She made fun of her roommate and said to chill and that it’s not a big deal. The roommate was rather large, much bigger than my friend, but she was still a pretty woman and had a very nice face.