My best friend in highs©hool admitted that she wanted to get me off on the bus. [MF]

When I was younger, me and my girlfriend went to different highschools. She went close to her house, my school was 2 buses away. We were super cute together and very happy. One of the the only thing we ever fought about was Terri.

Terri was one of my best friends in highschool. We met first day Freshman year really hit it off. To say there was sexual tension was putting it mildly. Terri was short, dirty blonde hair, she would bite her lip when she smiled, and had the most perfect ass I have ever had the pleasure of staring at. We definitely had the hots for each other, we even kissed once to see if there was chemistry… There was, but I didn’t want to ruin things with my girlfriend Abby. She never found out about the kiss, but she didn’t like that a cute girl was spending time with me without her.

Throughout highschool Terri and I stayed close. We hung out in the halls before the first bell, and after we took the bus home together with a group of other friends. By senior year some of the tension seemed to have worn off. I think she accepted the fact that I was happy with Abby, and though I still had a thing for Terri, I was happy to have her as a friend.

I arranged for my Sister In Law to “accidentally” find photos of me and her sister fucking. [FM]

Years back my wife’s younger sister Zara was visiting us from out of state. I was looking forward to her visit, I’ve always been close with her family. We had all know each other since we were young, also Zara was pretty cute. We probably flirted more than we should have, but no one ever took it too far or got upset, it was all harmless fun.

But all that flirting was definitely a turn on. I wasn’t planning to start anything up but I did really enjoy the attention and the sexual tension. With that in mind, I came up with a way to accentuate that while getting to show off a little as well.

Back in highschool, I had gotten to take a photography class, which was nice because it gave me the chance to develop my own film. Back in the day before cellphones this was the only safe way to take nudes, especially in highschool. I had quite the collection ranging from classy artsy stuff, to spread eagle, and cummy blowjobs. My girl had taken some very flattering closeups my dick at the time as well. I have a small box of some of my favorites I keep handy for jerking off with.

My wife’s little sister showed us her nipple piercings in the hot tub, then it got interesting. [FMF]

My wife’s little sister Zara has always been a little wild. She screwed her way through high school and has had plenty of shitty boyfriends over the years. When she is with a guy she’s unbearable, when she’s single she’s awesome.

During one of her single periods she invited herself along on a vacation me and my wife were taking. She lived with her parents so was always looking for an excuse to get away. We had a cabin in the mountains, it was really relaxing. During the day we went hiking and we grilled at night. We didn’t realize when we picked the place, but they had a deck with a fantastic view and a really nice hot tub. Since we didn’t know none of us had brought swimsuits. But was had all know. But I had known both of them since we were kids, so we were all comfortable hopping in the hottub in our underwear.

Zara loves raising eyebrows and was al was always telling crazy stories about the latest shocking thing she had done. Once was that she was sleeping with a married friend, once she was stalking a boyfriend’s ex, is was always something. She had recently turned 18 and had celebrated by getting her nipples pierced, and she wasn’t shy about bringing it up. She loved to talk about her “his and hers towel racks”

Before I met my wife, her little sister gave me a blowjob at a kegger. [MF]

I was introduced to my wife through her sister,Lexi. She was a few years younger than us but she hung around with my group of friends when we were younger. Lexi was always just around, kinda a wildcard, and up for anything.

One night I was at a kegger in the woods and unsurprisingly Lexi was there. We were out pretty late and both of us had been drinking a lot. Lexi was very cute, a little punk girl who you could tell had a great body, but wore baggy band shirts most of the time. That night she was wearing a No Doubt shirt and a plaid skirt, with short platinum blonde hair. Not that I thought about her like that really. She was a friend. We loved to joke around and talk about music.

After quite a few beers I told her I needed to take a leak. She got up and said she would come with me. It was summer so even though it was getting late it was still not that dark. We walked into the woods a bit to get away from the crowd. After a few minutes we came to a clearing and Lexi said, “shit I gotta go…” She stopped right out in the open and reached under her skirt. She pulled her panties down around her ankles and squatted down with her knees apart.

My wife just told me about the time she accidentally went to s©hool covered in my cum [FM]

The other night me and my wife were fooling around in bed. It was our usual routine as of late. Make out for a while while I finger her until she cums, then I move down and eat her pussy and ass untill she tries to crack my skull with her knees when she cums again lol. I love it when she loses control.

Anyway she usually needs time to recoup after that so we lay in bed and she slowly strokes me while we talk. This night she was asking about fantasies. We have been together a long time, so it’s natural that from time to time we fall into routines and this is one way we work on that. I told her that I LOVE when she wants my cum. She smiled and held my dick up while a long thin strand of precum connection my bellybutton to the tip of my penis. She followed the trail with her tongue, ending with a wet kiss on my dick. She then kissed me deeply on the lips. “Go on, tell me more” she giggled. Her lips were sweet and salty.

Surprise handjob at the lake with my girlfriend and her sisters [FMF]

I have been with my wife Abby for a very long time, but before we got together I dated her younger sister Lexi. Me and Lexi had got together kinda by accident. She was like 3yrs younger than me. We were hot and heavy for a while, but we both knew it wasn’t going anywhere, we were just having fun. Lexi had two sisters, the younger named Zara, and Abby who was my age. We hung out at her house a lot, and I was close to all three of them.

One day her mom invited me to go on a day trip with them. We went to this lake surrounded by cedar trees, really nice swimming but the water was really dark and red. It would stain your swimsuit by the end of the day, but I didn’t mind because so much. That meant you couldn’t really see under the water that far, and afforded me and Lexi a little privacy. You see the mom didn’t know we were dating, so this way we could fool around in the water without her finding out.

My pregnant SIL asked me to come over and put something in her ass… [MF]

I have been with my wife since we were kids, and I briefly dated her little sister Lexi before I got together with her wife. We have staid quite close over the years. A few years back she got pregnant and the scumbag she had been with split and left her on her own. Now she’s kinda a badass so she did OK but I still made a point to stop over her place every so often to she if she needed any help around the house. I’d take out the trash, carry laundry up and down. That kinda stuff.

Lexi went through a period where her morning sickness was all day. Her doctor said she had a condition. They tried giving her meds for the nausea, but she just throw those up too.

So one day I’m over her place moving some stuff around and she calls to me from her bedroom. I knew she was having a rough day and had been laying down. When I get in there she had on a robe that could barely get around her. She told me the doctor had given her some new meds to try for the nausea but she hadn’t been able to take them yet. I asked if she needed me to pick up the prescription. She said that wasn’t it.

I’m a photographer, and my wife’s sister asked me to take nude pregnancy photos of her.[MF]

I have been with my wife since we were kids. because of this I am very close to her family. I’m fact I briefly dated her one of herittle sisters, Lexi, I’m high school before I got together with my wife. But that was a very long time ago.

Lexi is grown up and a few years ago she was pregnant. She was single, the dad flaked out and didn’t want anything to do with the responsibility, but Lexi is one tough chick, and she handled it better than most. She was progressing nicely and absolutely glowing and beautiful. We were all so happy for her.

Around 8 months or so she made it known that she wanted to have some nice pregnancy photos taken. Since I was a professional photographer at the time, I told her I’d me more than happy to help.

I didn’t normally do pregnancy portrait, I was a product photographer mostly, so I did some research and found some really nice examples to show her that we could try.

Accidentally sexted our babysitter @#$_&-()/ [MFF]

Oh shit lol….. So my wife is visiting her sister and took the kids. I had to stay home because I have work in the morning. Since I was home by myself I obviously took the opportunity to get shit faced. After too many drinks I was missing my old lady. So I was looking at the pics of us I have on my phone. I sent her this really nice photo of me balls deep in her ass. She had just shaved recently and her pussy was the star, it looked fantastic, even my dick was looking nice and gurthy. So I sent it to her and said, ” I miss being in you babe” pretty sweet for being piss drunk I thought.

Well a few minutes later I get a text back…. Bun not from. My wife. It was out gorld dam. Babysitter! My drink ass has sent it to the wrong contact. Fuck

“Hahaha so I’m guessing you didn’t mean to send this to me….” I was freaking out… And sleepy, mut mostly freaking out. So I responded ” I am so damn sorry. I am a little drunk. I meant to send that to my wife… Please don’t say anything to her she’d kill me”