[M]42 The one that got away, almost…

When I (M42) was in my early teens, I had this huge crush on this cute girl that showed up to a lot of the same events (local punk shows) as I did. For this story, let’s call her C. C was a very shy girl with light blue eyes that were like looking at pools of water that were iced over, and a great smile.

I was very inexperienced at talking to girls and flirting. Due to being nervous, I didn’t make it clear to C that I was that into her. As time passed her and her friends kind of vanished.

Fast forward to my late 30s.
I received a FB message from C. It was innocent enough, “How have you been etc”. When we started talking about an old friend of her’s, we’ll call her X, C told me that X had told her back in the day, that I didn’t really like C as more than friends. What I actually told X was that I really liked C as much more than friends, and X told me she would tell C. When I told C what I actually told X, C was very angry at X for lying, and the conversation turned to what if we had gotten together back then (as we are both married now). So we decided to meet up and catch up in person.