This is a story that started about six months ago. At the time, I didn’t think I’d be proud of it, but now, I’m pretty fucking proud of it.
At the time I was 27 and single. My sex life has been fairly active the better part of the last decade, but about six months ago it changed rapidly. It had been something like a month since my last sexual encounter. That had been in January.
One day in February, my sister – Brittany – invited me to her apartment for a game night with some friends. We’re fraternal twins, so we grew up fairly close and shared a lot of the same friends. I don’t remember what the game was that particular night. We’d played several times before, usually with a fairly consistent group.
On this particular occasion, Brittany’s roommate, Kelsey, had joined us. Unlike the rest of the group, we didn’t grow up with Kelsey. She and my sister had met in college but became fast friends. Honestly, I’d always had an eye for her, but at the time we lived in different cities and I never thought much of it.