[M]e, the girl at the rave[F] and Molly

*hey all, thought i’d share some tales from the past let me know what you think of them!*

It was in Stockholm, late last year, at a rave, celebrating the end of my thesis as well as the end of my exchange over there. It was your typical warehouse party, our by the industrial district, a random office space gutted and retrofitted into a party area with dance floor, chillout area, etc.

The night began like every other of its kind, drinks going into the party, then popping the molly and returning to the dance floor. Soon I began to feel the roll as the drugs took hold, amplifying my sensations as the molly hit me.

It was special, every roll is I guess, Feeling the music flow me, letting the vibrations of the pounding techno take me away as I knew I just had to fucking dance and move! I let the laser lights and the costumes of people wash over standing in stark contrast to the darkness around me.

Then our eyes met, you know how it is, everything else melts into the background and they stand in sharp contrast, like a lens being adjusted. I saw her, shaved hair, large eyes, swaying gently to the rhythm, clearly as high as I was.