Brittany’s New Puppy: Beginnings [f] [bst]

Brittany awoke not with a bang, but with a whimper. Softly groaning to herself, she slowly slid open her eyes, rolling over onto her back to stare up the ceiling.

Light streamed through the window, causing her half closed eyes to squint even further. With a great force of will, Brittany forced herself to roll her head and open her eyes just enough to acknowledge the time. 9:53.

She sighed, knowing that with this new found information her body wouldn’t allow her to rest for long. Though it was a Saturday, Brittany’s mind couldn’t justify wasting the day lounging in bed. She was a doer, and the furthest thing from complacent.

Sitting up slightly so her head was just barely resting on her pillow, Brittany noticed that the house was unusually quiet. Her still groggy head spun for a few seconds before remembering that her sister was receiving an award for a writing competition, taking both proud parents along with her. At 19 Brittany had just begun her college experience, and wasn’t overly concerned with winning any awards. She was content to simply stay afloat.

Brittany’s New Puppy [ff] [bst] [inc]

Technically, the whole family adopted Sasha, but from an early age it became apparent that he was Brittany’s dog. He answered only to her call, slept at the foot of her bed, and spent every waking moment he could right by her side. At first Sarah was jealous, but in time she simply smiled at the dog’s antics. It certainly wasn’t anything personal, and the time the dog left her alone was simply more time to attend to her studies.

At 20, Sarah was bookish in both character and appearance, her quiet demeanor appropriately matched by her short cut blonde hair and plain, conservative glasses. Her usually flat face would occasionally morph into a subtle smile at an amusing anecdote, but she rarely laughed or made humor of her own.

Even Sarah’s body seemed to reflect her aura. She was thin, almost painfully so, and those who had never seen her workout might deem her fragile. She remained well toned, her legs and butt cut and tight from many a brisk jog, though try as she might she couldn’t enhance her small breasts. Sarah rarely stood out in a crowd, but she was content this way. Few bothered to bother her.

Story Feedback?

I’m in the editing process of erotic story I wrote in a fervor over the last day or two, hoping to make it fit for publishing. I’m looking for people interested in reading and giving some criticism and feedback. If you’re interested, shoot me a message and we can talk more.

The story is question features beast/dog elements as well as sister/sister incest.