How I got addicted to sucking older men’s cocks. [m]49 [f]19

I attended an all girls, Church of England High school. Because it was affiliated with the church, we would have visiting COfE priests come in to give lectures and lead assemblies. When I was 19 I returned to the school as a member of staff working in the school office and became close to one of the priests who would work there- Tim.

I absolutely *love* older men, especially if they occupy teaching, education or mentoring roles in authority- the idea of leading them astray and tempting them makes me wet; Tim was my first.
We started talking as friends when I saw him at school. He was at that time single and 30 years older than me, although he looked much younger. After a while we had a fun, casual friendship. He found my flirtation around him flattering, and he knew I fancied him. I would talk to him about his sex life (he had been married) and ask him naughty questions about his sexual history- he had a lot to learn and even at my much younger age; there was so much I wanted to teach him.