My high school biology teacher pt2. Practical tutorials..[FM]

Glad the first half was well received, was getting long so I broke it into two parts-

Part 2 of my second ever sexual experience, and the first of many during a wonderful summer I spent sleeping with my ex biology teacher (Mr. B). I think about it often and its still very fresh in my memory although it happened ten years ago. I also kept detailed diaries from the age of 16, and every encounter with him was luckily recorded. Embellished for artistic license but all events and general conversations are real. Ill get right to it, I hope you enjoy…

Mr. B pulled a blanket from the back of the sofa around his naked body. He leaned towards me and cupped my face in his hands, drawing my body up from the floor to the sofa, I straddled his lap. His serious eyes darted around my flushed face, studying me intently.

“Andrew” he said suddenly, as he stroked his fingers softly down my cheek.

“what sir”?

“My first name, its Andrew… you don’t have to call me ‘sir’ outside of school”

My high school biology teacher pt1. First time giving head..[FM]

Lurked for a while but came here to post this experience, the first of many experiences I had during a long summer sleeping with my ex biology teacher. Embellished slightly for artistic license but all actions, events and conversations are real. I’ll get right to it…

I wanted him pretty much from the moment I reached puberty. He was my fantasy then, and even now I have a thing for intellectual, authoritative men. He was also funny and gentle, a firm favourite among all the girls in my girls only high school. He first taught me for biology when I was 14, lets call him Mr B.

Over the years being taught by him I developed a deep infatuation that reached its peak when I was 16-18 years old and attending the 6th form college that joined onto my high school. Occasionally I would learn a little about his private life, he had been married once but was divorced, he had no children, he never told me how old he was but he always seemed very young to me- late thirties early forties at a push. The more I glimpsed into his life outside school, the more I fantasied about being with him.