Meeting my partner’s son for the first time. Final part 3

The only sound that I could hear was Tom’s heavy breathing.

Greg and Lara lay on their backs, both their chests rising and falling due to the exertion of their frantic sexual activity.
The scene was totally mesmerizing. Tom’s cock had shrunk after he dropped his load of cum all over my stomach. Greg’s cock had also returned to a flaccid state after cumming heavily into Lara’s pussy. Lara lay there with her legs still wide apart. It was like a scene from the Decameron and I sat there totally bewildered by what I had seen. My daughter was fucked in front of my very eyes, by my partner’s son who only last week had brought me to orgasm by playing with my pussy while I wanked his cock. I was certainly getting to enjoy this new phase of my sex life.

Tom broke the silence. “What a host I am, I haven’t even cooked lunch yet.”

This caused us all to break into howls of laughter. “I’m just going to cool off with a swim and then fire up the bbq” he said as he strode towards the pool. We all thought that this was a good idea and proceeded to follow him I for a swim to not just cool off, but to wash the cum off our bodies.

Meeting my new partner’s son for the first time. Part 2

I had just finished dinner when my phone rang.

It was my daughter Lara calling. Lara was studying Vet Science at university in a country town about 3 hours drive away. It was nice to hear from her as I do miss her since she moved down there at the start of the year.

“Hello Lara honey, how are you? “

“I’m good mum, how are you?” she replied.

I was on top of the world. Yesterday, I had met my new partner’s son Greg for the first time. The day had gone unexpectedly well. I was very nervous before meeting him, knowing that he was a nudist just like his dad and the thought of meeting someone for the first time and they were going to be naked was a little intimidating. But Greg was an absolute sweetheart and we got on like a house on fire.

Meeting my new partner’s son for the first time

OK, Tom, I’ll see you around noon.

I put down the phone and drew a deep breath.

I had been seeing Tom for close to 2 months. I saw his profile on a dating app and was immediately drawn to it. He openly admitted that he was a nudist and that he was only interested in dating a woman who shared his passion for being naked wherever and whenever possible. I liked his frankness, as I’m sure that most women would dismiss him for that reason. Whilst I would never have called myself a passionate nudist, I was often naked at home when alone and being a 45 yo divorcee, with just the one daughter who did not live with me, that was all too often.

So I sent him a message, we met up and we got along famously and the last 2 months have been a very happy time for me. Tom lives in a leafy suburb in a lovely modern house, with a large private backyard with a swimming pool. His property is perfect for being nude without having to worry about nosey neighbours. I had spent the last 3 weekends there, lazing around the pool on these hot Summer days, enjoying a drink and relaxing and getting to know each other.

A fun day at the nudist beach

The sun was shining brightly and a gentle breeze was blowing, turning a very hot day into a more pleasant one for my trip to the beach.
I was lucky enough to find a spot not far from the walkway to the beach as it was midweek and far less crowded than the weekend.

The beach was a long one, just inside the headland that formed a protected bay, with gentle waves lapping up on the golden sands. The beach was generally very quiet and you could walk the 400 metres and only encounter a handful of sunbathers. Towards the end of the beach there was a rocky outcrop and beyond that a small sandy beach that would have been at most twenty metres long.

This was my destination as it was accepted as a nude section of the beach and I have been a keen nudist for as long as I can remember. I delighted in lying in the Sun, letting the rays warm my body and turn my skin a deep bronze colour. I strolled leisurely to the rocks, walked around them and claimed my spot, putting down my towel and book and quickly throwing my clothes off.