Don’t be shocked, my parents are nudists [nudity] [exhibitionism]

I met Ella at my local pub.

It was a Saturday night and there was a local band that was starting to make a name for themselves playing.

They played hard rock in the vein of AC/DC and the place was filling up quickly, even though the band wasn’t due to play for an hour.

I was there with my mate Rick as I sidled up to the bar to buy the first round of drinks. As I waited to be served, I glanced across to my right and at a table there were two girls sitting, laughing as they sipped on their cocktails. One was blonde and one was brunette and they were both very attractive, probably a similar age to me that being twenty years old. I was particularly taken by the blonde as she was wearing a tight top that accentuated her very shapely and perfectly sized breasts.

Mum and I go to the Nude Beach. Part 3 [Taboo] [Incest][Exhibitionism]

“How about one last swim mum?” I said as the afternoon was wearing on and it was getting time to go home.

“Sure honey.” Mum replied as she stood and offered her hand to help me up.

We strolled hand in hand down to the water’s edge. It was close to 2pm and we had been at the beach for just on 3 hours. Much as I love the beach, that is about as long as I care to stay as I do get a bit bored, although that wasn’t the case today.

We jumped a few waves and then dived under a large wave that had built as it rushed to the shore. The water was invigorating and I stayed under letting the water lap my shoulders, Mum swam up to me and her breasts were at a tempting level to my mouth. What is a boy to do but make the most of the opportunity. I reached out and grabbed mum’s shoulders and pulled her towards me. I opened wide and guided her left breast into my mouth. The salty tang on her soft skin was intoxicating and I sucked gently feeling her nipple harden. She reached down with her free hand to discover that my cock had again hardened. She took a firm grip and stroked lovingly as I sucked.

Mum and I go to the Nude Beach. Part 2 [Taboo] [Incest] [Voyeurism]

[Part 1]([](]))

The sand was lovely and warm as we made our way back to our towels.

It was approaching midday and we were certainly grateful for the umbrella to protect us from the noon day sun.

I went to the hamper and got a cold drink for us both. We sat there looking out to the ocean and took in the serenity. Seagulls flew overhead, squawking loudly as the tend to do, as if ready to fight over any scrap of food that we might throw their way.

I sat back on my elbows and the gentle breeze across my body felt very sensuous and before long my cock had risen to attention. The feeling of freedom was very satisfying as there was no one on this beach to complain about a man sporting an erection. Certainly not my mother, who chatted nonchalantly with me, totally unconcerned by my hard cock.

Our beach companions had stood up and began walking in our direction along the beach. They walked past us and headed towards the rock pools that marked the end of the beach and the headland that separated this beach from the next. The rock pools were my favourite part of the beach. They were deep enough to sit in with the water up to your shoulders. If the surf was rough, they were a welcome sanctuary.

Mum and I go to the Nude Beach [Taboo] [Incest] [voyeurism] [Exhibitionism]

It was only 10am and the thermometer on the wall had already climbed past 90°. I went to the fridge to get myself a glass of iced water, hoping that would cool me down.

Mum had just returned from hanging the washing on the line.

“That will be dry in an hour,” she laughed, “and that is all the housework that I’ll be doing today.”

“Would you like some water too, Mum?” I asked,

She had plopped down on a chair in the kitchen. I could see that beads of sweat had formed on her shoulders and chest. She was naked as was I and dad. We are a nudist family and have been all our lives. Mum and Dad were nudists when they met so it was only natural that I would be raised in a nudist household. And we lived on acreage just outside of town on the coast, which was idyllic as we were surrounded by forest and no neighbours to worry about

“Yes please honey,” Mum replied. I poured mum a drink and sat down beside her.

Daughter Home From University. Part 6 [Taboo] [Incest] [Foursome] [Exhibitionism]

[Part 1]([](http://reddit.ss6t9x))


Mick lay on the sunlounge, beer in hand. His eyes were closed but he wasn’t asleep. His erect cock pointed skywards. By rights his cock should have been flopping in the wind after all the sex he had had this afternoon. But full credit to his stamina, he was ready and rearing to go should the opportunity present itself.

Nicole lay on the sunlounge beside him, one leg draped over each side. Her pussy was tantalizingly open, with just a hint of cum oozing out onto the towel on which she was sitting. She was contentedly sipping on her beer, the relaxed look on her face testimony to the fun that she had also enjoyed.

For my part, I simply relished the view. I was surrounded by naked people, my daughter, her friend and my wife. The day was hot, the drinks were cold. How good does it get?

Fiona looked across to her daughter Nicole laying silently beside her. She reached out and touched her arm, as a sign of her love and confirmation that she fully condoned all that had gone on. The intimacy that we were experiencing had brought us closer together. Nicole glanced across to her mother and smiled, confirming that she too was feeling that our family bond was stronger than ever.

Daughter home from University Part 5 [Taboo] [Incest] [Foursome][Exhibitionism]

[Part 1 Click Here ] ([](

[Part 2 Click Here ] ([](

[Part 3 Click Here ] ([]( )

[Part 4 Click Here ] ([](

“Here we go, three beers and one white wine,” I said cheerily as I returned with the drinks.

“I sure need this Mr. Braithwaite, I mean Greg,” Mick corrected himself.

“I’d say you earned it Mick,” said Nicole with a cheeky grin on her face

I had to agree with her. Mick had been outstanding. He fucked Nicole with gusto and then submitted his impressive cock to my wife Fiona for her to suck it dry. I could be jealous if I wasn’t so impressed.

“I’m not sure I want the wine to wash the taste of your cum out of my mouth, Mick “said Fiona in all seriousness.

Mick blushed a little, but it hardly concealed his satisfied look. He has every reason to be self-assured as he had quite a magnificent cock. After fucking Fiona and being sucked by Fiona, his erection had subsided, but now, 10 minutes later it had risen to full length again. Oh, the stamina of youth.

Daughter home from University. Part 4 [Taboo] [Incest] [FMF]

Part 1[Click Here](
Part 2 [Click Here](
Part 3 [Click Here](

Fiona and Nicole were sound asleep on the bed besides me.

At 8am the day was shaping up to be a hot one. Last night was very hot in more ways than one and the sheets had been kicked of the bed and my wife and daughter were lying naked, slightly touching.

The last thing that I could remember about last night was Fiona furiously rubbing her pussy as I exploded a massive load of cum into Nicole’s hot, soaking vagina. It was a night of unprecedented passion, which I am unlikely to forget in a long time.

I quietly slipped downstairs to get myself some breakfast and let the ladies sleep in.
I put on the kettle to make myself a cup of tea and placed some bread in the toaster. Just as the kettle boiled,
Nicole appeared in the kitchen, naked and sleepy eyed.
“Hello princess, would you like a cuppa?” I enquired.
“Ohhh, yes please dad, “replied Fiona and she came up and gave me a big hug.
“Last night was the most exciting night of my life, I love you and mum so much.”

Daughter home from University Part 3 [Taboo] [Incest] [Exhibitionism]

Part 1 [Click Here] ( []( )

Part 2 [Click Here]

I looked down at my cock as it lay limply across my thigh.

“You’ve had a big day little boy,” I thought to myself. After breakfast, I fucked my wife Fiona in the swimming pool. Later that day she wanked me off as daughter Nicole watched, then to top it off, after lunch, Nicole gave me one of the best blow job I’ve ever had.

I looked across to Nicole sitting naked on the sun lounge beside me. She was sipping on a glass of red wine, scrolling through stuff on her phone. To my left was my darling wife Fiona, enjoying her wine too, but seemingly in a trance, no doubt unraveling the events of the day. Did she really see her daughter sucking her father’s cock? Indeed, she did and the fact that she encouraged it is probably as mysterious to her as it is to me. Yes, we have always been a close, loving family, but society creates limits and we just shattered them. But I felt absolutely no guilt and keenly anticipated where our newfound openness would lead us.

Daughter home from University Part 1 [taboo]

Sometimes, it is good for the soul to spoil yourself, especially if you have worked hard all your life.
My wife, Fiona and I have high powered jobs and the associated big pay packets. We have put our only daughter through school and she is now studying interstate at the country’s leading university.
We live away from the coast and our Summers are long and hot. In reality a swimming pool is more a necessity than a luxury, so it was an easy decision to put in a pool and make the most of Summer life.
We found the builder and the contract was drawn up and perfectly, the pool was installed and ready to go as the weather was warming up. Our backyard is very private and the wife and I saw no reason to wear swimming costumes in the pool. After all there was just the two of us living at home. Every day we had a swim after work, drinking beers and white wine, all the while getting that all over tan.
Life was good.
Along with the rest of the world, Covid-19 had upset our family life. Interstate borders were closed and we had not seen our daughter Nicole, except by Skype for nearly 12 months. It was very hard on all of us. Nicole was our only child and we missed her dearly. But covid case numbers were dropping and a glimmer of hope arose that border restrictions would be eased and so it happened. The university year had ended and Nicole was free to come home for a few weeks. We were delighted. The flight was booked and Nicole would be arriving Friday.
We met her at the airport and I didn’t want the hug to end. Poor Nicole was squashed between her mother and myself and I’m sure she was struggling for breath. We grabbed her bags and carried them to the car and set off on the 2 hour trip to home.
It was late when we arrived. We were all starving and we didn’t feel like cooking so we grabbed a meal at the local club. We didn’t stay long after the meal as we were all exhausted so it was home and bedtime for us all.
Saturday morning heralded in a forecast for a hot dry day. Nicole had a bit of a sleep in and there was no way we were going to wake her early. Fiona and I took the opportunity to have a bit of a lie in ourselves and lay in bed until we heard Nicole stirring.
We made our way down to the kitchen to get breakfast underway. I just slipped on a pair of loose shorts and Fiona threw on a long t shirt. It was our custom not to bother with underwear as there was no need when there was just the two of us at home. We could hear Nicole coming down the stairs and soon she appeared. She must have felt the change in temperature to what she was used to down south at university. She had on a singlet top and boy shorts. She didn’t bother with a bra and I was glad that she could be as comfortable as she liked around us.
Breakfast was light, just toast and juice, which is best for the hot weather.
“So”, Nicole piped up, “How are you enjoying your new swimming pool, I bet you are getting plenty of use out of it.”
“We sure are,”I replied, “we swim every day in fact its that hot we are going for a dip after breakfast.”
“Perfect” Nicole replied, “Count me in.”
Fiona and I had decided that we were not going to change our habit of swimming in the nude. It had become a passion with us. The thought of wearing a costume in the pool was unthinkable. We worried how Nicole would take the news. But our attitude was, our house our rules and we hoped that Nicole would understand. She was not a child, she was 20 years old now so we hoped that she was mature enough to cope with a bit of nudity.
“Nicole, we have something to tell you. Since we got the pool, your mother and I have decided that it just makes sense not to worry about wearing swimming costumes in the pool, so we swim naked.”I managed to splutter out.
Nicole’s jaw dropped and the colour drained from her face. She sat silently and I worried that she was going to run from the room in embarrassment.

Daughter home from University Part 2

I had to admit that I was starving too.

It had been a long and exhilarating day that had left my heart racing.

My wife Fiona had just pulled me off while our daughter Nicole looked on enthusiastically. Then she fondled my soft cock. And she decided to join us naked in the pool. I could never have dreamed that this would happen.

“I think I can get used to this nudity thing” Nicole said, “It is quite liberating isn’t it. I’m not going to bother to dress for the rest of my time here.”

This was music to our ears. We had embraced the nudist lifestyle since we had our new pool installed and enjoyed the comfort of being naked around the house. Now Nicole states she wants to be naked too, so that will be the way it is from now on.

“Are we having a bbq dad”? Nicole inquired. “I haven’t had a decent steak since I’ve been at Uni”.

“Yes we are” I replied. We loved having bbqs. Under the shade of the patio adjacent to the pool was the perfect place for it as the sun was setting and the temperature had dropped to a comfortable level.